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Affordable Health Insurance

Affordable Health Insurance - Seven Tips For Those Who Want To Save

We'll talk about seven things anybody can do to attract cheaper rates. Although you're enjoined to read through, note that it's only the first step in the process: The benefits to be reaped will only be yours if you take further steps to apply what you've read. Following are ways to pay far less...

1. This shouldn't be a problem for most people but we will still have to talk about it...

The use of unregistered drugs will raise your costs. And where the use of certain drugs is NOT illegal, abusing them will also make you spend more on health insurance rates. Self medication should be stopped both for the grave implications to your health and rates.

2. Take it upon yourself to ask your agent about all the discounts available to you with your preferred insurance provider. Since agents too are not above mistakes they might not remember to tell you about some discounts you are qualified for. You will discover only by telling your agent that you want to know if you have been informed about every discount there is. You might have a very pleasant surprise!

3. If you are the type that is rarely ever ill you'll make substantial savings by choosing catastrophic health insurance instead. For people who might not know what it is, this type of policy caters for you if you fall sick suddenly or are involved in an accident.

The most outstanding advantage of this policy is in cases where sudden health conditions or accidents give rise to huge bills that could at best be called astronomical. The name surely does offer a clue of what it protects against. Catastrophic health insurance premiums are normally very low.

Nevertheless, take note that the deductibles are as high as $2,000. Albeit, you'll be happy to contribute that little if your medical bills total as high as $50,000. This is where this policy really shines.

4. If you find it quite burdensome to buy a regular health insurance plan, you may qualify for Medicaid. The conditions for eligibility differ with each state. But fundamentally, they are for low-income families. Having a job doesn't disqualify you.

Even if you do not meet eligibility requirements another family member could and that will help bring down your family health insurance cost. So verify from your state's Medicaid program.

5. People who choose to participate in dangerous sports surely have health insurance rates that are costly. If you really need to reduce your rate then change to non-life-threatening sports.

6. Being on a single policy could save you a lot if you're married. You have to compare though to ascertain which gives you more savings. It might not be in your best interest depending on your different health conditions as individuals.

7. As you do these other things to lower your premium, here's what to do to get lower rates now: Visit reputable quotes sites and get quotes. Visit a minimum of five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. However, ensure you give your correct details as you complete the questionnaires presented. All you have to do next is just pick the insurance company that gives you the best price/value from the quotes return.

Here are great pages for health insurance quotes...

Health Insurance Quotes

InsureMe Health Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

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