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Men's Health - Lose Your Man Boobs Now - Action and Reaction

Have you suffered enough from the embarrassment of man boobs? It makes no difference whether it is gynecomastia (hormone imbalance) or pseudogynecomastia (overweight and fitness issues). Man boobs cause emotional trauma and severe embarrassment. Let's take this emotional situation and analyze it from a scientific viewpoint.

A very important engineering principle was developed by Sir Isaac Newton. Paraphrasing his law: For each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law applies to everything. More importantly, everything you do or don't do is in Newton's definition an 'action'. In other words, by doing nothing you have made a choice and taken an action. This action will have an equal and opposite reaction. OK, OK, enough. Bottom line. If you want to lose your man boobs and change your appearance, you will need to do something.

Understand this, if you just sit and mope about it, nothing good is going to happen. You need to be proactive and do an 'action' which results in a 'reaction'. If you want to lose your man boobs now, then you must do something now. Wishing and hoping will not get it done. If you do something now to lose your man boobs, then the reaction will likely be a surge of self-confidence from the change in your physical appearance.

OK, what is the best action?

There are 4 main possibilities:


-pharmaceutical for weight loss / hormone balancing

-exercise and diet

-natural supplements for weight loss/ hormone balancing

A fifth possibility would be a combination of the third and fourth strategies listed above.

Surgery as a treatment strategy for any health situation presents physical risks and excessive large expense. I cannot advocate surgery in anything but a life and death situation. If you suffer from an emotional trauma due to your man boobs and accordingly your appearance, then surgery may be an option. The best pro argument for surgery is speed. Unfortunately, not only are there the normal risks of a surgical procedure, in the case of man boobs, the possibility of scarring or an ineffective procedure also loom.

Pharmaceutical products can be effective. My personal mantra for pharmaceutical products is the same as I have already revealed for surgery: life and death situations only. This may seem a little harsh but the level of incompetence and unabashed greed in the medical and pharmaceutical industries is truly amazing.

Exercise, diet and natural supplements will deliver results for both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. The specific exercise programs are necessary because you do not want to build up more breast tissue even if it is muscle. The point of the exercises is to reduce breast fat and tighten up the muscles to result in a more natural male chest appearance. Overweight issues and hormonal balance issues can be a very effective strategy if the regimen is maintained.

For more information and discussion about man boobs, how to lose them,
and the treatment alternatives available, click here

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