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Account Health Savings

Use Your Health Savings Account to Buy Glasses Online

This morning at work we had a presentation on health care plan options. With rate increases, our company is making us switch plans or pay out-of-pocket for the deductible on the existing plans. One of the options we are looking at is a high-deductible plan in combination with an HSA (Health Savings Account).

If you have not heard of a Health Savings Account, you will soon, as they are becoming increasingly popular. The concept for an HSA plan is two fold: a high-deductible health insurance plan is combined with a special tax-deductible savings account, called an HSA, or Health Savings Account. First, a high-deductible insurance plan means that the first $1000-$3000 (depending on the plan) of any medical service, often with the exception of annual physicals and other preventative care (which are covered with a small co-payment), is paid for entirely by the individual. The insurer does not begin paying until the deductible has been met, after which the insured individual is not required to pay anything.

But from where is an employee supposed to get this $1000-$3000 to meet deductible payments?

Enter the HSA. The IRS has set up these special accounts as such that all contributions are completely tax-free (as a "top-line" deduction, itemizing not required) and the money in the account can be used to fund any health-related expenses, including eyewear, vision, dental, acupuncture and other services typically not covered by your primary health provider. Because high-deductible health plans offer significant savings compared to traditional plans, your employer will possibly use part of the difference to fund your HSA, essentially putting money in your pocket!

Back to my company, the presentation on our health insurance options resulted in an interesting discussion. The company will be paying the premium on a high-deductible health plan and contributing $500 annually to my Health Savings Account. I'm young, healthy, and rarely see the Doctor, so this will essentially be $500 in my pocket to use on future medical expenses. Something particularly appealing about the HSA plan is that I could use my Health Savings Account to buy glasses online! This is a huge step away from the paradigm of the insurer paying ridiculous prices to the eye doctor for glasses. Because my employer has agreed to contribute $500/year into my HSA, for the first time ever, my glasses will cost me nothing out of pocket and the cost of eyeglasses will go towards my deductible! But I'll still have the incentive to go with the most cost-effective route (thereby using less from my account), so I'll buy my glasses online with the HSA debit card.

For the budget-conscious do-it-yourself type, the HSA really works out great. So, if you have a health savings account, use it to buy glasses online! It is a qualifying expense , so just save the receipt in your health expense file. Tax-free eyewear for under $100.

The author is a twenty-something Coloradan who works professionally in local government and blogs as a hobby. As a lifetime wearer of corrective lenses, the author is passionate about helping people from all walks of life afford quality eyewear at a reasonable price. His blog is online at

Here is a list of qualifying expenses...

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Health Heart

Top 9 Tips For Improving Heart Health

1. Break down and TAKE THE TEST: We're referring to the extremely sensitive C-reactive protein test (HSCRP). This blood test has been found to be as effective predicting heart attacks and strokes as a standard cholesterol test. The test works by evaluating levels of a specific blood protein's, which could indicate that you have inflamed arteries in your heart - the kind that can burst and lead to heart failure. The HSCRP is much more accurate, and since 50% of all heart attack victims have normal cholesterol levels, it is an absolutely vital test. See your doctor to schedule this test today!

2. Exercise: Focus on the Now: It is no surprise that exercise improves heart health, but most people don't realize that your last workout is the best predictor of your heart health. So, if you haven't exercised in a week, you've likely lost a great deal of the benefits you might have spend months developing! The affects of exercise grow and diminish rapidly, so constant exercise is the key to maintaining heart health. In studies comparing those maintaining an exercise routine to those who used to exercise but stopped, the health rate was significantly higher in those participants sill exercising. Doctors note, however, that it is never too late to begin maintaining a healthier lifestyle, so if you haven't been exercising, now is the best time to start. Keeping your heart healthy will add years to your life.

3. Park Yourself in the Weight Room: While lifting weights increases the size of your muscles, it also makes you generally stronger. This, in effect, makes each task you complete less physically taxing, putting lower amounts of stress on your heart. Developing a strong set of muscles will prevent your heart from becoming fatigued as quickly, and improve your heart health.

4. Break Your Smoking Habit: Although smoking in general is harmful to your body, smoking marijuana increases the risk of heart attack or heart failure exponentially in the hours after you smoke. So, aside from the fact that smoking weed is illegal, your heart will thank you for kicking the habit!

5. Buy extra-virgin olive oil: It might cost a bit more, but if buying high-end extra-virgin olive oil adds years to your life, isn't it worth the price? Extra-virgin olive oil has less fat and "bad" cholesterol than even regular olive oil, so bite the bullet and buy the good stuff.

6. Visit a Genetic Counselor: While your doctor may help you when you are sick, a general practice physician usually has little knowledge of your genetic history. Visiting a genetic counselor will provide you with an important piece of medical information for your regular doctor to review. By discovering your genetic predispositions, you can take the proper steps to prevent possible issues in the future.

7. Insist on an Ultrasound: One of the reasons so many people die from heart disease (which causes heart attacks) is because they never know they have it until it's too late. How can you improve your heart health if you don't know your heart is unhealthy? Doctors have developed an innovative procedure known as "electron-beam cat scan" (EBCT), which is a potential solution. Recommended for men 40+, the EBCT provides your doctor with a 3-D ultrasound of your heart and blood vessels. With the ability to show blockage in its early stages, the EBCT allows you to catch heart disease with plenty of time to remedy the situation.

8. Keep Popping Those Pills: In a recent study of patients with coronary-artery disease, tking high doses of cholesterol-reducing statin drugs proved effective. During the study, 50% of patients underwent angioplasty, while 50% were treated with the statin rug, atorvastatin. The group who consistently took atorvastatin had fewer heart attacks within the next 18 months. Essentially, the use of this kind of medication is showing doctors that blood vessels aren't just in need of a good cleaning. Because statins both clean the vessels and increase the size of blood vessels to allow for greater blood flow, they produce greater long-term effects than some traditional procedures.

9. Ramipril Might be Right for You: As you hear in any drug commercial, check with your doctor to see if Ramipril might be right for you. Although Ramipril has been used as a hypertension drug for 30 years, a recent study from McMaster University (located in Ontario) suggests that it actually prevents heart attacks and strokes. In addition, Ramipril has been shown to reduce the need for bypass surgery. The study tested vitamin E and Ramipril against placebos (with nearly 10,000 patients, 80% of whom had coronary-artery disease). There was no benefit for those taking vitamin E, but a 25% reduction in death rate for those taking Ramipril. Using Ramipril may be just what you need to improve heart health, and avoid going under the knife.

Abby is a weight loss author for For more information about the best diet pills on the market today please check us out. We have reviewed the top weight loss pills like Proactol and many more.

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Rules For Finishing The Master Cleanse

If you are not prepared for what you'll experience when you do the Master Cleanse there's a good chance you'll fail. Typically lasting just 10 days, it's easy to see why people just "jump right in" to the Master Cleanse thinking it will be easy. It's not.

During your time on the Master Cleanse you are likely to experience hunger, aches, and irritability. Most people give up because of hunger. Putting solid food aside for a couple days and only drinking liquids is harder then most people think. Even though the cravings for whole foods can be difficult they do subside after a few days on the Master Cleanse.

So rule number 1 for finishing the Master Cleanse is getting past the third day. Instead of focusing on completing the entire 10 days from the onset of the cleanse just focus on getting past day 3. Breaking the Master Cleanse down into smaller milestones will be a big help.

Rule number 2 for finishing the Master Cleanse is dealing with aches and soreness. Headaches are one of the most common Master Cleanse side effects, but some people also get body aches.

To reduce aches you should drink a lot of water. It's also good to relax and not push your self too hard when you do the Master Cleanse. Exercising should be kept to light walking and stretching. Your body will be going through a rigorous cleansing process during the Master Cleanse, and won't be able to adequately recover from intense exercise during this time.

Rule number 3 for finishing the Master Cleanse is overcoming irritability. This affects the people around you more then it does yourself, but it's something you need to be aware of before starting the Master Cleanse.

It's best to let the people around you know that you're going to be doing the Master Cleanse ahead of time so they can do their best to accommodate you. Also try to plan your Master Cleanse when you're not too busy. Most of us can't just take 10 days off to do the Master Cleanse, but you should try to avoid doing it when you're swamped at work, or have other stressful events going on in your life.

There's more to succeeding at the Master Cleanse then I can cover in this small article. If you are serious about trying the Master Cleanse and want to be one of the people who do make it through the whole 10 days the Master Cleanse Secrets book at is the most complete guide available for helping you get through the Master Cleanse.


Goji Berries: The Secret Weapon Of Health Senior Citizens In The Know

Goji berries are spreading across the world like a brush fire and yet, of the majority, still have never heard of these berries with the funny name. Although around long before your grandparents’ grandparents it is only recently that these berries, also known as Lycium or Wolf berries have been stirring even the close-minded after men and women have caught wind of their nutritionally potent benefits.

Health claims cover the full gamut from being more good for you to the hard for any sane person to actually believe: a 256 year old man who ate, can you guess what(?) his entire life. Somewhere between the truth and the downright outrageous, lies scientific numbers that simply cannot be ignored. Even if you have a head full of rocks one would confess that with the overwhelming amount of testimony coming out of the woodwork as these wrinkly, but impressively potent, sour and sweet berries reach more of the masses, each almost glowing to tell their personal story about their Goji berry experience, you certainly have to be curious about what they are saying.

You need not be a rocket scientist to determine the truth from the insane. There are not many of us in today’s current environment who will not take a step unless told what to think and how to do so by a mainstream, doctor. In fact, more often than not, well-intentioned individuals like you and me and those we love have suffered detrimental results following a physician’s advice and often we have learned to regret it. But most folks wise up, long before they become old. “Old-school” thinkers may listen to the doctors’ words with intense attention, but younger generations have an abundance of resources at our fingertips to educate us better on specifics, when needed.

To some, they’d consider that to be really good news, unfortunately... Being stuck under that huge mountain of available information is the bad news. Heck, if one was to narrow their research to Google alone, they’d have to sort through a very real hundreds of millions of pages plus, to find the answers that have been disguised until their enlightened discovery. Information overload is the major difference between assessing fact from fiction from way back when, to these days. You could become buried in the volumes of information available today, but obviously with people’s hidden agendas aplenty, you must make the decision on your own who to believe and who to ignore.

Wolf berries and Goji berries and the information that continues to be published about them is an example of insightful, worthy information you now have complete access to. Every day, new studies are surfacing, but how do you sort the absolute truth from the probable fiction?

Maybe you have heard about the testimonials stretching from one corner of the world to the other. Maybe you have gotten wind of the latest buzz highlighting improvements that made you pay attention. Including the Goji Berry into your daily diet has numerous health benefits that a healthy article such as this one simply could not cover in full, without quickly turning this article into an encyclopedia set. Reports have come in by the truckload: reducing, if not eliminating tumors, regulating high blood pressure, increasing sexual desire, keeping your natural hair longer, increasing your longevity, shedding unwanted pounds, and the list of sworn accounts longer than your left leg, continues.

But,, allow me to concentrate on what is backed by conventional and alternative doctors, scientists, researchers, independent studies and end users in too many countries to count: antioxidant potency and its effect on your immunity.

For years, pound for pound, the most touted super food definitely in the United States, if not the world, at what has to date gotten the best press are 2 every day foods: broccoli and blueberries. Nutritionally, the short version of their story is they pack a punch, benefit your body in numerous ways, and are a part of every ideal, healthy diet. In fact, both have been endorsed by the American Cancer Society regularly for their obvious, human body benefiting qualities. Why? Antioxidants.

Blueberries beat broccoli in antioxidants by more than three hundred percent. Now, before I make your brain explode with possibility, let’s first address why you may not know this information. However you care to explain it, unfortunately, the common theme is money, more specifically greed. It is the prominent, determining reason in many things you now know about and those you never will.

Do you remember in America when a certain, famous President announced that he didn’t like, more specifically despised broccoli? My question for you is: who has more money? Broccoli farmers (a major source of revenue in the United States) or blueberry farmers? Known information is known, because there is more money to tell more people about it.

Why have most not heard of Goji berries, if they are so darn good for you, and have thousands of people claiming the “impossible”, including reversing major diseases, not yet “cured” in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and every other powerhouse of medical research?

(Fair warning). Prepare to be mind boggled.

Goji berries were ”revealed” in Tibet. The Tibetan Goji berry is by far the most authentic, especially when backed directly by the Tibetan community, farming population and Government, officially, but we’ll save that for another discussion. How many Tibetan farmers have the money to compete with broccoli farmers in the United States?

If radios and televisions aren’t everyday items typically, how many households and businesses in Tibet do you think have a computer and Internet access? Any wonder why Goji berries are still a mystery to the most?

Broccoli is rich in antioxidants. You now know that the blueberry out rivals broccoli 3 to 1 healthy in comparison. What about Goji berries? Brace yourself. Here is undeniable, scientific fact: Goji berries have twelve times as much antioxidants than blueberries. ! This may sound crazy, but this is 100 percent science. Goji berries have a huge 2,843 percent MORE antioxidants than the well known, often published, teetering on “common knowledge” super food: broccoli.

Why should you give a hoot about antioxidants? Antioxidants in simplified, combat and ideally defeat free radicals attacking your immune system daily. When your immune system suffers, ultimately you suffer. With a suffering immune system, a common virus could kill you.

Viruses can be transferred from one person to the other simply by touching hands. When your body is nutritionally deficient, your immune system breaks down. Your body becomes vulnerable. An open invitation to be infected and hurt.

Goji berries are antioxidant rich. Goji berries, of all present choices, are the stand out option to ensure a virtual, bullet proof, Fort Knox equivalent immune system that is so unrivaled, few in their right mind, can afford to ignore its possibility. It’s as easy as that. The real beauty? Eat sweet berries that are nearly 3000 percent better for you, or broccoli by the shovel full, that well, tastes like broccoli.

The news is rapidly spreading, from one country to another. People of all shapes and sizes are bending over backward to share their experiences with anyone who is willing to listen. Each have been experiencing the healthy "impossible." The health benefits being declared by simply including Organic Goji berries into your diet are tough for even the most skeptic to dismiss. Tibet Authentic keeps being the leading source, arming interested the health savvy with the potentially life altering information, and food that is changing people's lives: healthy or sick.

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Health Product Wellness

Even though you're bombarded with advertisements touting this or that product to improve your health, you do have other options. If you are concerned about your health and do not want to rely on prescription or over-the-counter drugs, there are other ways to encourage better health. Changing your diet and taking nutritional supplements can help you avoid serious health problems and help you feel better as you age.

Lowering cholesterol has become a major concern for many people as they enter middle age and beyond. If left unchecked, high cholesterol can become a serious health hazard. It increases the potential for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. If it is not treated, the arteries continue to build up plaque and become dangerously clogged.

Lower Cholesterol

There are many different drugs to treat high cholesterol but they also have negative side effects with continued use. There are nutritional supplements that are prepared with all natural ingredients that offer comparable benefits, often without harmful side effects. These health products usually work to lower cholesterol in your body that is not healthy. The LDL is harmful and can block arteries and cause serious health problems. Having a higher HDL can help remove the harmful cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.

Diet is also important for men's health and women's health. A diet high in leafy green vegetables and fruit can help raise your HDL, but white meat and dairy products tend to raise the harmful LDL. A healthy diet is essential for weight loss and overall health. Eating high fiber foods will help many areas of your body function more efficiently. Cut back on fatty foods, and you will see improvement in your digestion and weight.

An important factor in both lowering cholesterol and weight loss is exercise. Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular health as well. Exercise works naturally to burn excess fats and sugars. This helps your liver make HDL, the good cholesterol. It also strengthens your lymph system, improves circulation and helps fight diabetes.

There are many natural health products to help lower cholesterol, lose weight and help with aging. There are herbal and nutritional combinations to aid in weight loss by burning fat, speeding up metabolism, and suppressing appetite. These products would be much healthier to use than over the counter or even prescription weight loss pills.

Weight Loss and Anti-Aging

There are many supplements that help with aging, and include benefits such as strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, strengthening the eyes and organs, and providing antioxidants to fight cancer. Using these natural supplements will help you feel and look younger without loading your body down with chemicals.

If you want to take charge of your health, you can avoid serious health problems before they start. Unicity health products offers many nutritional supplements to help you regain or maintain good health. It is worth your time to learn what health products would be beneficial for you.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about health products.

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International Travel Health Insurance Tips

When you are traveling around the world these days there is a lot you need to be concerned with. International travel health Insurance is one of them. When you travel internationally you never know what can happen to you, but you need to prepare for the unexpected.

The first thing you should do is take a good look at your current health insurance. Many people assume that because they have health coverage at home, they are covered in other countries. That's just not the case part of the time. Even if your current health insurance does cover some medical treatments, it is likely they aren't covering everything. So, take a good look at your health insurance. Read all the fine print and if you still aren't sure call the company up. If the first person you talk to doesn't sound like they know answer, then ask to talk to someone who knows.

If your health insurance does cover international care, then it may have a time limit. Thirty days is a common limit on care for international travel health insurance. Again, you want to make sure on this because if you get special insurance for international travel, you don't want to get duplicate insurance.

If you are going on adventure type of trip, then you need to have coverage for medevac. Medevac is short for medical evacuation, such as using helicopters evacuate from some remote area. I remember when I was last in Yosemite Park in California, the Park Ranger said it can cost the mountain climbers $20,000 if they get stuck and need a helicopter to rescue them! In fact I have heard of some emergency evacuations costing close to $100,000! Can you imagine getting hurt, not having insurance, needing emergency evacuation and then having to pay that amount of money? That would certainly make my trip less enjoyable.

If for some reason you become very ill and need to stay in a hospital for an extended period the current health insurance you have may not cover you for a longer period.

If you are a senior citizen, it's important to note that Medicare doesn't cover you abroad.

According to the U.S. Center For Disease Control and Prevention half of U.S. travelers abroad will have some sort of health problem.

There are many types of international travel insurance plans. There are short term international travel health insurance plans, there are long term travel health insurance plans and there are plans that deal with non medical issues. These issues may be non medical to begin with but they can make you feel sick later. An example of non medical travel insurance is trip cancelation for international travel.

Another factor in all this is to find low cost international travel health insurance or non medical health insurance that still offers good coverage. Remember to carefully compare the policy and do some research. Try to find testimonials and look for any bad reviews of insurance plans. Preparing well can make the all the difference.

Tim Phelan is an expert author at ezinearticles and online marketer. To learn more about international travel and travel insurance in general go to his site International Travel Insurance and his related site on International Health Insurance for free information on these subjects.

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Asbestos - Dangers and Diseases

Asbestos has been used for centuries and is not, as some think, a recent product. At one time items made from asbestos were regarded as having an equal value to gold. In fact, it is reputed that Charles the Great, (King of the Franks in the year 768) had a tablecloth made from asbestos. It does have a resistance to fire and heat and has been used over centuries for this practical purpose - from historical uses such as lamp wicks and Egyptian burial shrouds through to modern brake pad linings. It has been used for high temperature wiring insulation as well as in the construction of buildings to insulate and protect against fire.

There are many forms of asbestos but there are three main types, white, brown and blue.

White asbestos: otherwise known as chrysotile is the type preferred in industry. It has a flexible property and has been used in many theatres for fire safety curtains, as well as for firefighter’s protective clothing. Some evidence exists that it is harmful but not as harmful as some other types.

Brown asbestos: also known as amosite, this type usually originates from Africa and is highly bio-hazardous.

Blue asbestos: also known as crocidolite comes from Australia and Africa. This type is believed to be the most dangerous type of asbestos, therefore it is extremely bio-hazardous.

There are other types that someone may come across, some of which include actinolite asbestos, anthophyllite asbestos and tremolite asbestos. These are not as commonly used industrially, but may still be found in some products.

The main danger to health from asbestos is from the fibres, which can be inhaled. The four main diseases associated with asbestos fibre inhalation are asbestosis, mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer and diffuse pleural thickening.

Asbestosis: Caused by inhaling asbestos fibres, generally from heavy exposure. It is defined as lung fibrosis.

Mesothelioma: This is a form of cancer where cancerous or malignant cells are found in the mesothelium. This is the protective sac that most of the body’s organs are covered with. It mainly affects the lining of the lungs, which is known as the pleura and the peritoneum, which surrounds the lower digestive tract. Around 80 percent of cases of mesothelioma show the patient to have had a history of exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos-related lung cancer: For many years now asbestos exposure has been recognised as a high risk factor for the development of lung cancer. It is not possible, however, to put a direct number to the amount of cases of lung cancer, which have been caused by asbestos. This is because there are other risk agents that cause the disease, tobacco smoke for instance. Unfortunately it is not possible to distinguish which risk agent was the cause of a case of lung cancer.

Diffuse pleural thickening: As mentioned previously the pleura is a membrane covering which lines the inside of the rib cage and also surrounds the lungs. If asbestos fibres are inhaled, some may work their way into the pleura and this can lead to scarring and or fibrosis. This may cause the pleura to thicken. The condition will show up on an x-Ray. If this thickening spreads over a large area it may cause a restriction of expansion of the lungs.

It has now become clear that exposure to asbestos can be harmful. Because of this, the use of it has virtually disappeared. If there are products in the home that may contain asbestos, it is advisable to have a professional contractor inspect them. It is a complex process to remove asbestos and should always be done by a qualified person. It can be a highly dangerous and even lethal substance. If in doubt then call someone out.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Asbestos

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Michael Russell - EzineArticles Expert Author


Caregiver Discussions With Doctors And Health Care Professionals

When you are caring for a parent it is important to keep in regular contact with the medical community. Talking regularly with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, and social workers is critical in making the best decisions you can. Not only will this help you to get results, but it also will give you peace of mind. Talking with healthcare professionals comes down to three things.

1. Giving them all pertinent information about your parent so they can make an informed medical opinion.

2. Asking the right questions to get the information and answers to any questions you or your parent has, this will help you when it comes time to make decisions.

3. Getting the information, services and the quality of care your parent deserves.

While you may want to know everything about your parent's health condition, they may be reluctant to tell you everything you want to know. It's important that you respect their decision in regards to how much information they are willing to share with you or how willing they are to communicate with their doctor or nurses. All you can do is inform them of the importance of communicating in regards to their health, and that your main concern is they receive both safe and effective care.

If your parent is hesitant to talk to the doctor, but is open with you, you can, with your parents permission talk to the doctor or nurse yourself. If you are the one to talk to the doctor make sure you ask questions. Write any questions you have on paper before hand. This way you won't forget to ask anything important. It is just as important to receive information from the doctor as it is to give information to the doctor. The doctor needs all relevant information about your parent in order to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment that is both safe and effective.

In addition to doctors, it's important that both you and your parent talk to other health care professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and dietitians.

Nurses are trained in patient education and counseling. A nurse can explain the doctor's diagnosis and teach you how to follow any treatment required, take blood pressure at home, and how to give injections.

Pharmacists are experts in drugs. They are there to answer any questions you may have regarding the medication the doctor has prescribed. They will inform you of any side effects to watch for and how to use the medication properly.

Social Workers are available to help you navigate the social security system and the medical care. If there are programs available to help you, a social worker will direct you in that direction.

Dietitians are available to provide information on meal planning. Certain medical conditions require a special diet and a dietitian can help you set up the proper diet for your needs.

As a caregiver you are now also your parents advocate. While the medical profession has the medical expertise, the quality of service and attention are not always there, so you have to take an active role in getting the best service possible.

Maria Sandella was the primary caregiver for her grandmother for 2 years until her passing. She also worked summers in a long-term care facility while attending college. She now works as an Application Specialist for, which provides wireless intercom systems that caregivers use for communications with the elderly and disabled.
For more information about a caregiver intercom system go to Also read the article titled: Wireless Intercom for Elderly or Disabled

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The Benefits Of Organic Food For Your Health

Organic food health benefits are debated more than ever. With people demanding to buy organic food more, researchers are tying to find the benefits and risks of eating organically.

Sometimes researchers have said that the organic food health benefits are really nonexistent, while with other studies, multiple benefits have been found. By researching organic foods, a person can find the real story about organic food health benefits.

Organic food health benefits may begin with the debate of the nutrition level of certified organic food versus regularly grown food. Depending on what information is read, different information is given.

According to the research on organic food that the New York Times did in 2003, their report was that "recent preliminary evidence suggests that the levels of certain nutrients, especially vitamin C, some minerals and some polyphenols -- naturally occurring antioxidants that may help bolster the immune system -- are higher in organically grown crops."

This comment alone reinforces such food health benefits that a person can gain by eating fresh organic food.

Outside organic growing, many farmers, in order to have their plants grow larger and more bountiful, add pesticides and toxins. Such food health benefits stem from the lack of these toxins and pesticides.

Pesticides have been linked to making people ill, and can cause a person to avoid fresh vegetables that are needed for an overall healthy diet. Toxins in the body can cause problems such as headaches and tremors.

Because organic food health benefits help reduce the risk of these undesirable benefits, natural and organic food should be definitely taken into consideration when choosing foods.

One particular such food health benefit occurs when the additives that are found in almost all foods are not used. Organic food production prohibits the use of food additives such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and hydrogenated fat.

This in itself is excellent for all people but especially children. The less artificial sweeteners that children can be exposed to the better according to most doctors.

Organic food health benefits are numerous. Debates rage as to what exact benefits organically grown food can offer the public. Some claim that the nutrient levels are higher, others say they are the same.

But one thing is for sure. Organically grown food offers little to no pesticides, and this can help everyone be healthier. No matter whether studies are right in linking certain ailments to pesticides or not, even children can gain from such food health benefits.

Because of the lack of artificial ingredients, children can be healthier and happier. This fact alone is enough to make anyone start enjoying fresh organic food.

Enrich your knowledge further by reading more great organic food health articles from Mike Selvon portal. We appreciate your feedback at our organic cooking blog where a free gift awaits you.

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Mental Health Services For The Elderly

One out of every five adult Americans suffers with mental illness. Some important mental health problems that occur during old age include dementia, delirium, psychosis, schizophrenia and depression. Elders suffering with mental health problems tend to have abnormal cognitive and behavioral patterns that are often associated with decreased ability to function. Other prominent symptoms that elders usually complain include sleep disturbances, a change in appetite and mood differences.

In most cases, mental health problems in elders that require treatment are quite conveniently ignored. Improper treatment of mental illnesses in elders seems to the most prominent reason contributing to high suicidal rate in these people. Many of these people require specialized mental health services.

However, there are several reasons that contribute to improper mental health services to the elderly. Some of them are listed below:

1. In most cases, elders are reluctant to undergo treatment for their mental health disorder. They continue to harbor their minds with discomfort and stigmas, thereby showing resistance to leaving their homes and going to a rehabilitation center or a clinic.

2. Our society has never shown respect or dignity for individuals suffering from mental health problems. Even a mental health professional is apprehensive about an elderly person with such condition. Beliefs and attitudes of these professionals do have a significant influence on the quality of medical care provided to the patients.

3. Medical negligence is another big hurdle. In many situations, symptoms of mental health diseases are just written off as indicators of ageing.

Other major hurdles include scarcity in federal and state-supported community prevention programs for elders, inadequate private health insurance coverage and lack of well-trained mental health staff.

Check Out More Articles:

Crises Intervention Stress Management, What Are Some Decision Making Techniques and Social Aspect Of The Movie And The Pursuit Of Happiness

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Low Cost Individual Health Insurance

Health insurance is any arrangement that helps to delay, defer, reduce or altogether avoid payment for health care incurred by individuals and households.

If you do not have group insurance, or if the insurance offered is very limited, you can buy an individual policy. There are number of low-cost individual health insurance policies like fee-for-service, HMO, or PPO protection.

In fee-for-services health insurance you have a pre-agreed health insurance sum, and when you make a claim your health insurance provider deducts this from your pre-agreed health insurance sum. The cost of a fee-for-service health insurance is high, but the benefit of fee-for-services health insurance is that you can visit any healthcare provider you want, but at the same time you need to remember that there are some types of treatment are not covered.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) are a recently introduced but popular insurance coverage. The main reason for its popularity is its very low cost in premiums. But HMOs do not give you the flexibility to visit any health care provider. They designate certain healthcare providers who you are allowed to visit and if, even in the case of an emergency, you visit a healthcare provider who is not approved by the HMO, you’ll be left to pick up the entire tab yourself.

PPOs, or preferred provider organizations, serve only a specific group or association, and are a good option because they have lower fees with a network of health care providers. They give their policyholders a financial incentive to stay within that network and, as a PPO member, you pay for services as they are received and are reimbursed for the cost of the treatment less your co-payment.

Low Cost Health Insurance provides detailed information on Low Cost Health Insurance, Low Cost Health Insurance Plans, Low Cost Family Health Insurance, Low Cost Individual Health Insurance and more. Low Cost Health Insurance is affiliated with Low Cost Whole Life Insurance.

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What is the Bodylastics System!

The Bodylastics System is being regarded as the fifty dollar alternative to the Bowflex home gym as it provides all the comforts of a home gym system and is portable. It's brilliant design enables any person to have a full body workout. Even a kid can workout with this system.

Bodylastics uses the same resistance theory that is used by traditional weight lifting systems in the gyms and health clubs. The equipment is the only difference between the two. The Bowflex and other weight lifting systems are bulky and need a lot of space and are not portable.

But you can take Bodylastics anywhere and use them. You can use this home gym system while watching TV or in the field or use it when you are holidaying.

The Bodylastics System relies on elastic bands to provide resistance. Each elastic band has different thickness and so it provides different resistance. The more the thickness the higher the resistance. These bands offer the same benefits as the free weights in the health clubs or gyms. The resistance offered by the bands is about five to twenty five pounds depending on its thickness. But if combined together they can give even more resistance and act as an alternative to the free weights.

The Bodylastics home gym system has used two new variations of the elastic resistance theory. These are:

The Quick Clip System: This system allows the user to attach multiple bands onto a set of handles or ankle straps. This way you can have a greater resistance. This suits advanced muscle builders who use weights of more than twenty five pounds in the gym. This is an easier way to change weights.All you need to do is just change the bands or attach multiple bands to the ankle straps. The Quick Clip System allows you to attach unlimited number of bands at a given time. This is highly beneficial as anyone even a professional can get the highest resistance.

Door Anchor: The Bodylastics System has introduced the door anchors to their home gym system. The door anchor can be attached to any closing door by just placing the anchor over or under the door. When you close the door, the bands connect the anchor and the ankle straps using the quick clip system. This enables the user to recreate many exercises of the health club. Rather than using multiple equipment in the gym you can use just this system to get the results.

The best part of this System is its size, portability and cost. You can pack your whole home gym in a traveling bag and carry it anywhere around. A home gym system can cost up to thousand dollars and would come with heavy and bulky equipment. But the Bodylastics System costs only fifty dollars and comes in two packages. The Basic tension set and the Max tension set. The Basic package offers resistance between 5 to 18 lbs where as the Max tension set offers resistance more than 20 lbs.

To visit the Bodylastics website Click here.

Read my review of the Bodylastics System.

Harry James Ramsay is a student expert at muscle building who recently quit from doing workouts in the gym after buying the Bodylastics System.

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The Best Colon Cleansing Diet For Fast And Easy Results

When looking for the best colon cleansing diet to suite your needs, you may turn to natural products as a way to get the job done. While there are a variety of natural laxatives on the market, how do you know which will do the best job? Here are a few that have been proven to be safe and effective.

First, you might be surprised to find that many popular over the counter laxatives and stool softeners contain excellent herbal colon cleansers. The active ingredient in most powdered bulk fiber forming laxatives that you mix in water and drink is psyllium. Psyllium is a shrub like herb whose husks produce the soluble fiber used in a variety of laxatives. When this husk is introduced to water, it swells to form a mass which helps push waste matter through the digestive tract and colon. Psyllium can also help to soften the stool and relieve constipation. Psyllium is also great because it works with the body’s natural process of expelling wastes. Its action is unlike that of chemical laxatives which your body can become dependent on in order to function properly. So if you are looking for a good colon cleansing herb, psyllium is an excellent one to look for.

Another often found laxative product that is derived from an herb is senna. Senna generally acts as a stool softener, increasing the amount of water in the digestive tract and colon so constipation can be softened and expelled more easily. Senna is an herb that is grown in India. It is another good choice if you are looking for colon cleansing herbs.

Other good herbs to choose from if you are looking for a colon cleansing herb include aloe leaf, ginger and cayenne pepper. Each of these herbs acts as a natural laxative, causing the bowels to move without chemical stimulants. Another good choice is Cascara Sagrada. This herb is extracted from tree bark and has a mild laxative effect on the body.

While there are a variety of colon cleansing herbs to choose from, the best place to buy your herbs is from a health food store. They often have the freshest variety of all available vendors. These herbs can come in a pill form, a tea or a powder to mix in a drink. If you choose an herbal laxative tea, be sure not to use the prepacked type. It is preferable to make the teas yourself.

There are a variety of herbs that will help you when it is time to cleanse your colon. Perhaps the best of these is psyllium, a bulk forming herb often found in over the counter laxative powders. It helps the body naturally become regular and clean by adding the fiber that our modern diets so often lack. Other good choices for herbal colon cleansers include senna, aloe leaf, ginger, cayenne pepper and Cascara Sagrada. All of these herbs have a natural laxative effect on the body causing the bowels to move and wastes to be excreted naturally.

Raylen Sterling is an Internationally recognized Master Cleanse coach and author of the Master Cleanse Secrets book which has helped over 21,000 people reclaim their health and vitality without drugs or big hospital bills. His web site will show you how to not only cleanse you colon, but flush sickening decay from your entire body using safe, natural techniques.

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