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The Best Colon Cleansing Diet For Fast And Easy Results

When looking for the best colon cleansing diet to suite your needs, you may turn to natural products as a way to get the job done. While there are a variety of natural laxatives on the market, how do you know which will do the best job? Here are a few that have been proven to be safe and effective.

First, you might be surprised to find that many popular over the counter laxatives and stool softeners contain excellent herbal colon cleansers. The active ingredient in most powdered bulk fiber forming laxatives that you mix in water and drink is psyllium. Psyllium is a shrub like herb whose husks produce the soluble fiber used in a variety of laxatives. When this husk is introduced to water, it swells to form a mass which helps push waste matter through the digestive tract and colon. Psyllium can also help to soften the stool and relieve constipation. Psyllium is also great because it works with the body’s natural process of expelling wastes. Its action is unlike that of chemical laxatives which your body can become dependent on in order to function properly. So if you are looking for a good colon cleansing herb, psyllium is an excellent one to look for.

Another often found laxative product that is derived from an herb is senna. Senna generally acts as a stool softener, increasing the amount of water in the digestive tract and colon so constipation can be softened and expelled more easily. Senna is an herb that is grown in India. It is another good choice if you are looking for colon cleansing herbs.

Other good herbs to choose from if you are looking for a colon cleansing herb include aloe leaf, ginger and cayenne pepper. Each of these herbs acts as a natural laxative, causing the bowels to move without chemical stimulants. Another good choice is Cascara Sagrada. This herb is extracted from tree bark and has a mild laxative effect on the body.

While there are a variety of colon cleansing herbs to choose from, the best place to buy your herbs is from a health food store. They often have the freshest variety of all available vendors. These herbs can come in a pill form, a tea or a powder to mix in a drink. If you choose an herbal laxative tea, be sure not to use the prepacked type. It is preferable to make the teas yourself.

There are a variety of herbs that will help you when it is time to cleanse your colon. Perhaps the best of these is psyllium, a bulk forming herb often found in over the counter laxative powders. It helps the body naturally become regular and clean by adding the fiber that our modern diets so often lack. Other good choices for herbal colon cleansers include senna, aloe leaf, ginger, cayenne pepper and Cascara Sagrada. All of these herbs have a natural laxative effect on the body causing the bowels to move and wastes to be excreted naturally.

Raylen Sterling is an Internationally recognized Master Cleanse coach and author of the Master Cleanse Secrets book which has helped over 21,000 people reclaim their health and vitality without drugs or big hospital bills. His web site will show you how to not only cleanse you colon, but flush sickening decay from your entire body using safe, natural techniques.

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