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International Travel Health Insurance Tips

When you are traveling around the world these days there is a lot you need to be concerned with. International travel health Insurance is one of them. When you travel internationally you never know what can happen to you, but you need to prepare for the unexpected.

The first thing you should do is take a good look at your current health insurance. Many people assume that because they have health coverage at home, they are covered in other countries. That's just not the case part of the time. Even if your current health insurance does cover some medical treatments, it is likely they aren't covering everything. So, take a good look at your health insurance. Read all the fine print and if you still aren't sure call the company up. If the first person you talk to doesn't sound like they know answer, then ask to talk to someone who knows.

If your health insurance does cover international care, then it may have a time limit. Thirty days is a common limit on care for international travel health insurance. Again, you want to make sure on this because if you get special insurance for international travel, you don't want to get duplicate insurance.

If you are going on adventure type of trip, then you need to have coverage for medevac. Medevac is short for medical evacuation, such as using helicopters evacuate from some remote area. I remember when I was last in Yosemite Park in California, the Park Ranger said it can cost the mountain climbers $20,000 if they get stuck and need a helicopter to rescue them! In fact I have heard of some emergency evacuations costing close to $100,000! Can you imagine getting hurt, not having insurance, needing emergency evacuation and then having to pay that amount of money? That would certainly make my trip less enjoyable.

If for some reason you become very ill and need to stay in a hospital for an extended period the current health insurance you have may not cover you for a longer period.

If you are a senior citizen, it's important to note that Medicare doesn't cover you abroad.

According to the U.S. Center For Disease Control and Prevention half of U.S. travelers abroad will have some sort of health problem.

There are many types of international travel insurance plans. There are short term international travel health insurance plans, there are long term travel health insurance plans and there are plans that deal with non medical issues. These issues may be non medical to begin with but they can make you feel sick later. An example of non medical travel insurance is trip cancelation for international travel.

Another factor in all this is to find low cost international travel health insurance or non medical health insurance that still offers good coverage. Remember to carefully compare the policy and do some research. Try to find testimonials and look for any bad reviews of insurance plans. Preparing well can make the all the difference.

Tim Phelan is an expert author at ezinearticles and online marketer. To learn more about international travel and travel insurance in general go to his site International Travel Insurance and his related site on International Health Insurance for free information on these subjects.

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