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Goji Berries: The Secret Weapon Of Health Senior Citizens In The Know

Goji berries are spreading across the world like a brush fire and yet, of the majority, still have never heard of these berries with the funny name. Although around long before your grandparents’ grandparents it is only recently that these berries, also known as Lycium or Wolf berries have been stirring even the close-minded after men and women have caught wind of their nutritionally potent benefits.

Health claims cover the full gamut from being more good for you to the hard for any sane person to actually believe: a 256 year old man who ate, can you guess what(?) his entire life. Somewhere between the truth and the downright outrageous, lies scientific numbers that simply cannot be ignored. Even if you have a head full of rocks one would confess that with the overwhelming amount of testimony coming out of the woodwork as these wrinkly, but impressively potent, sour and sweet berries reach more of the masses, each almost glowing to tell their personal story about their Goji berry experience, you certainly have to be curious about what they are saying.

You need not be a rocket scientist to determine the truth from the insane. There are not many of us in today’s current environment who will not take a step unless told what to think and how to do so by a mainstream, doctor. In fact, more often than not, well-intentioned individuals like you and me and those we love have suffered detrimental results following a physician’s advice and often we have learned to regret it. But most folks wise up, long before they become old. “Old-school” thinkers may listen to the doctors’ words with intense attention, but younger generations have an abundance of resources at our fingertips to educate us better on specifics, when needed.

To some, they’d consider that to be really good news, unfortunately... Being stuck under that huge mountain of available information is the bad news. Heck, if one was to narrow their research to Google alone, they’d have to sort through a very real hundreds of millions of pages plus, to find the answers that have been disguised until their enlightened discovery. Information overload is the major difference between assessing fact from fiction from way back when, to these days. You could become buried in the volumes of information available today, but obviously with people’s hidden agendas aplenty, you must make the decision on your own who to believe and who to ignore.

Wolf berries and Goji berries and the information that continues to be published about them is an example of insightful, worthy information you now have complete access to. Every day, new studies are surfacing, but how do you sort the absolute truth from the probable fiction?

Maybe you have heard about the testimonials stretching from one corner of the world to the other. Maybe you have gotten wind of the latest buzz highlighting improvements that made you pay attention. Including the Goji Berry into your daily diet has numerous health benefits that a healthy article such as this one simply could not cover in full, without quickly turning this article into an encyclopedia set. Reports have come in by the truckload: reducing, if not eliminating tumors, regulating high blood pressure, increasing sexual desire, keeping your natural hair longer, increasing your longevity, shedding unwanted pounds, and the list of sworn accounts longer than your left leg, continues.

But,, allow me to concentrate on what is backed by conventional and alternative doctors, scientists, researchers, independent studies and end users in too many countries to count: antioxidant potency and its effect on your immunity.

For years, pound for pound, the most touted super food definitely in the United States, if not the world, at what has to date gotten the best press are 2 every day foods: broccoli and blueberries. Nutritionally, the short version of their story is they pack a punch, benefit your body in numerous ways, and are a part of every ideal, healthy diet. In fact, both have been endorsed by the American Cancer Society regularly for their obvious, human body benefiting qualities. Why? Antioxidants.

Blueberries beat broccoli in antioxidants by more than three hundred percent. Now, before I make your brain explode with possibility, let’s first address why you may not know this information. However you care to explain it, unfortunately, the common theme is money, more specifically greed. It is the prominent, determining reason in many things you now know about and those you never will.

Do you remember in America when a certain, famous President announced that he didn’t like, more specifically despised broccoli? My question for you is: who has more money? Broccoli farmers (a major source of revenue in the United States) or blueberry farmers? Known information is known, because there is more money to tell more people about it.

Why have most not heard of Goji berries, if they are so darn good for you, and have thousands of people claiming the “impossible”, including reversing major diseases, not yet “cured” in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and every other powerhouse of medical research?

(Fair warning). Prepare to be mind boggled.

Goji berries were ”revealed” in Tibet. The Tibetan Goji berry is by far the most authentic, especially when backed directly by the Tibetan community, farming population and Government, officially, but we’ll save that for another discussion. How many Tibetan farmers have the money to compete with broccoli farmers in the United States?

If radios and televisions aren’t everyday items typically, how many households and businesses in Tibet do you think have a computer and Internet access? Any wonder why Goji berries are still a mystery to the most?

Broccoli is rich in antioxidants. You now know that the blueberry out rivals broccoli 3 to 1 healthy in comparison. What about Goji berries? Brace yourself. Here is undeniable, scientific fact: Goji berries have twelve times as much antioxidants than blueberries. ! This may sound crazy, but this is 100 percent science. Goji berries have a huge 2,843 percent MORE antioxidants than the well known, often published, teetering on “common knowledge” super food: broccoli.

Why should you give a hoot about antioxidants? Antioxidants in simplified, combat and ideally defeat free radicals attacking your immune system daily. When your immune system suffers, ultimately you suffer. With a suffering immune system, a common virus could kill you.

Viruses can be transferred from one person to the other simply by touching hands. When your body is nutritionally deficient, your immune system breaks down. Your body becomes vulnerable. An open invitation to be infected and hurt.

Goji berries are antioxidant rich. Goji berries, of all present choices, are the stand out option to ensure a virtual, bullet proof, Fort Knox equivalent immune system that is so unrivaled, few in their right mind, can afford to ignore its possibility. It’s as easy as that. The real beauty? Eat sweet berries that are nearly 3000 percent better for you, or broccoli by the shovel full, that well, tastes like broccoli.

The news is rapidly spreading, from one country to another. People of all shapes and sizes are bending over backward to share their experiences with anyone who is willing to listen. Each have been experiencing the healthy "impossible." The health benefits being declared by simply including Organic Goji berries into your diet are tough for even the most skeptic to dismiss. Tibet Authentic keeps being the leading source, arming interested the health savvy with the potentially life altering information, and food that is changing people's lives: healthy or sick.

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