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California Health Insurance

California Health Insurance - How to Save Even More in the Golden State

It's expensive to live in California, and the cost of health insurance here in the Golden State is beyond the reach of many Californians. In fact, fully 16% of all California residents can't afford any health coverage at all. It doesn't have to be this way. Did you know that there's a secret way for you to save as much as 30 to 40% on the cost of your health policy each and every month - and it's so simple you won't believe your eyes?

But before I reveal the Big Secret, let's discuss a few simple changes you can make that will save you even MORE every month.

You should always set up an auto-pay plan for making your premium payment. It costs more than you probably think to prepare and mail a bill to you every month, so if you pay your premium directly from your bank account your company will gladly reward you by cutting the cost of your premium.

Most health policies come with a standard 25% co-payment whenever you visit your doctor. If you only see your doctor a few times each year you can usually save a great deal by simply increasing your co-pay to 50%.

Obviously if you want the best price for your health coverage here in California you already know that you can't smoke and you can't use chew. The reasons are obvious and the solution is just as obvious - although quitting tobacco products is not easy for most people.

Did you know that it's costing you a LOT more than you think every time you stop at your local fast food joint and have a burger and fries? The cost of that high-fat, high-calorie, cholesterol-saturated meal goes far beyond the price listed on the wall.

If you have a weight problem part of it can be solved simply by cutting out all fast food burgers and fries - and your weight is a big part of the price you pay each and every month for your health premium.

Increasing your deductible will definitely lower your monthly premium cost. Just don't go overboard and increase your deductible past the point that you can comfortably afford to pay it every year.

So what is the Big Secret that will let you save so much money on your California health insurance? The answer has been staring you right in the face.

Buy your policy online. Yes - it really is that easy to save 30 to 40% off the top on the price of your monthly insurance premium. Online brokers have little or no overhead so they are able to make incredible deals on the cost of health coverage and still show a profit.

Also, there is a tremendous amount of competition online and competition means that prices are cut as low as possible. The result? YOU WIN!

There's one more advantage to buying your policy from the comfort of your own home. There's no agent looking over your shoulder and talking you into buying more than you need and certainly more than you can afford. When you buy your coverage online not only do you save a bundle, but YOU are in complete control of the entire process.

So please, if the cost of your California health insurance is making you sick go online and check out the savings for yourself. See if you can't keep a lot more of that California gold in your pocket rather than lining the coffers of your insurance company.

My Recommended Sites:

My #1 Recommendation For the Cheapest Online Health Insurance Anywhere
Low Cost Online Health Insurance
California Health Insurance - How to Save Even More in the Golden State

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