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Health Insurance Texas

Texas Health Insurance - The Cheapest Rate Anywhere in the Lone Star State

Everything in Texas is big - including health insurance premiums! More than 16% of all Texas residents can't afford any health coverage at all, and of the remainder fully half admit that they can barely afford to pay the premium every month. But now there's an answer. Texas residents can now get their health insurance at wholesale prices, prices which haven't been seen in more than 10 years! This is a secret that your broker hopes you'll never learn - but I'm going to upset the apple cart Big Time today!

The Big Secret I'm going to reveal to you a little later in this article will let you buy your health coverage at a discount of approximately 30%. But you can actually do better than that. I'm also going to point out some things that almost anyone can do that will lower the cost of their premium at least another 10% every month, which means that after you've read this article you'll have all the information you need to save in the neighborhood of 40% each and every month on your health premium.

Let's start with something really basic, like how you pay your bill. Did you know that it costs a company over $12 to print and mail a bill to you every month? If you'll pay your premium automatically directly from your bank account then you save your company the hefty expense of mailing you a bill and they'll pass most of the savings along to you.

Most health policies come with a standard 25% co-payment when you make a doctor's visit. If you see your doctor on a regular basis this co-payment can be a good thing. However, if you don't see your doctor very often each year then you can save a lot of money simply by increasing your co-pay to 50%.

Similarly, your deductible has a big effect on how large of a premium you pay every month. Did you know that if you increase your deductible you'll lower your monthly premium? Just make sure you don't increase your deductible so much that you can't afford to pay it every year.

Do you know how much a fast food burger and fries meal costs? If you think it only costs what's printed on the wall of the restaurant you're way off. There's enough fat in a burger and fries meal to lube a big rig. There's more than 1,000 calories in just one burger and fries meal - and don't even think about the amount of cholesterol! Do you have any idea what this is costing you in terms of your health?

There's an epidemic of obesity here in America and much of it can be traced to the rise in the popularity of burgers and fries. Stop eating them. Now. Today. Just say no! If you cut fast food burgers and fries from your diet you'll lose weight. And every pound you shed can reduce the cost you pay for your health insurance premium for years to come. Do you have any idea how much money you can save just by saying NO to a burger and fries? You can save a small fortune!

You can't smoke or use chew and expect to get the lowest price on your health insurance. So the question is, just how serious are you about saving money month after month on your health premium? Are you serious enough about it to stop using all tobacco products?

And that brings us to the Big Secret. How can any resident of Texas cut his or her monthly health premium by 30% instantly? You'll be surprised at just how easy it is!

Just buy your health insurance policy online.

That's all you have to do. Online brokers are able to offer policies at yesterday's prices - about 30% less than you are paying now - for the simple reason that they have no overhead to pay for. Plus, there's a lot of competition for your online insurance business and when there's a lot of competition the result is lower and lower prices.

There's another advantage, too. When you buy your policy online, from the comfort of your own home, there isn't a broker sitting there trying to sell you more and more coverage - coverage you probably don't need and certainly can't afford! When you buy your policy online YOU are in charge - totally!

So check it out. Find out for yourself just how much you can save simply by buying your policy online.

My Recommended Sites:

This Is My #1 Top Recommendation For the Cheapest Health Insurance Anywhere in Texas

Low Cost Health Insurance In Texas

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