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Company Health Insurance

Finding An Interim Health Insurance Company

The day comes that you lose your job and, along with it, you lose your health insurance. Fortunately, interim health insurance is something that can keep you afloat until you find a new job. An interim health insurance policy will cover your health care needs from the time you lose your job until you are eligible for benefits from your new employer.

Where should you begin to look for a short-term health insurance policy? Like many people today, your first stop will probably be one of the internet search engines and these will produced a laundry list of directories. These directories each provided a list of companies that offer interim health insurance and even a few that will actually tell you exactly what it is. Knowing what interim health insurance is and, just as importantly, what it is not will help you shop for the right policy and keep you from being scammed.

First of all, each state has its own brand of interim health insurance policy to help you hold onto the health insurance from your previous employer. In Minnesota it is called a Cobra Plan and covers you until you have a new job. Incidentally, state law also requires your employer to notify you of your eligibility for Cobra coverage.

Commercially available interim health insurance policies generally run from one to twelve months, although many providers limit their policies to six months, and will offer most of the same benefits that are provided on their long-term counterparts. The biggest difference you will see is that the policy is non-renewable and if you want to keep your coverage you will need to arrange a further new policy. Keep in mind that this type of policy is only intended for short-term use and not for long-term use.

Some things that will probably not be covered are wellness checks and preventative care. They will also not normally provide cover for dental or optical care. They are also very strict on denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. You can get coverage extended to cover your spouse and children. You will find also that most policies will range in price from around $25 to $100 per month.

Keeping these things in mind, you can begin to look through the results of your search. Examine the lists of companies and find one that will meet your needs. Another good place to turn for cover, because of the fee-for-service nature of the policy, is to your own home or car insurance provider as it is likely that they will also carry a health insurance policy that you can get. If you are purchasing the policy through your own insurance company, there may be an additional discount available to you for having multiple policies with them.

Your local phone book may also list a number of places for you to get interim health insurance coverage in your area. This can be an advantage if pre-approvals are needed. With a knowledge of what interim health insurance is and where you can find it, you will now be able to secure a policy that will best meet your needs.

If you are trying to find an interim health insurance company or any other form of low cost health insurance then the best place to start your search is right here online.

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