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How To Make Your Penis Bigger - The Natural Way

If you are not sure if you want to take the risk and go under the scalpel for a penis enlargement surgery, then it is always good to have an alternative - turn to nature for help. Herbal penis enlargement pills are the closest to nature if you are really determined to enlarge your penis size using only natural ways.

Although penis pumps (vacuum pumps), jelqing and clamping, as well as stretching and hanging are also considered Natural Penis Enlargement methods (NPE methods), I disagree a little with that. They are self-treatment methods - that is for sure, but the truth is that they are a lot less related to men's nature than penis enlargement pills.

Penis enlargement pills contain herbal extracts and are all natural. They are not known to have any side effects or to cause any pain or other physical discomfort. These herbal pills would be not good for you only of you are allergic to any of the ingredients, which is highly unlikely. But yet, here are the ingredients contained in MXman penis enhancement pills: Asteracantha longifolia, Mucuna pruriens, Pueraria tuberose, Withania somnifera, Tribulus terrestris and Albizzia lebbeck. Anything familiar to you? Here are the ingredient list details:

Asteracantha longifolia increases energy, stamina and vitality. One of its main benefits is to improve sexual desire and performance, and also to increase fertility. Asteracantha longifolia benefits have been well known and used in the past to cure diseases of the urinogenital tract, jaundice, dropsy, rheumatism, and anasarca. Pueraria tuberosa is a powerful aphrodisiac. Mucuna pruriens increases libido, virility and performance. It is good for prostate health.

These are the extra benefits that come with the greatest benefit of quality penis enlargement pills - to make your penis bigger and longer naturally and permanently.

As for the penis vacuum pump - it is nothing more than a plastic cylinder that fits over the penis and does not look anything special, especially the cheap ones. Its efficiency is questionable as the pump is intended to create vacuum around the penis through suction, making your penis bigger. Well, here are the drawbacks of this method - burst of blood vessel by over pumping; pain and injury, caused by testicles being pulled into the cylinder.

Jelqing is a PE exercise that increases the blood pressure in the penis to enlarge its size in erect state - and all this by using only your bare hands. It is not clear if it works, but you are free to try, just be careful for the risks of bursting a blood vessel, or urethra bleeding. Clamping is very much alike the jelqing, except for the use of a constricting device.

For stretching you need to wear a stretcher or "extender" device attached to your penis. The device should lengthen and widen the penis theoretically. Weight hanging requires attaching a device with weights behind the glans. Generally it aims at stretching various penis tissues. Your penis should elongate and widen, as well.

It is not really hard proven that the last two techniques really work, but one thing is for sure - they both carry risks and you can seriously hurt yourself. But after all, that is valid for almost all PE methods that include penile exercises.

It is against men's nature to pull, stretch, squeeze or do anything similar to that to your penis. Penis enlargement pills do nothing of the above, they simply work to expand the blood vessels in the penis, causing increased blood flow to penis naturally. Therefore after regular use you get much longer and bigger penis, and that is permanent.

Do you want to know how to make your penis bigger naturally then you should read more about the benefits of using penis enlargement pills

Many men have already tried and are sure that PE pills are the most natural way to enlarge penis size so it is worth trying them.

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